Glossary of Terms2018-10-08T14:17:25-07:00


Gospel and AU Glossary Terms

Sometimes the English language lacks in describing what we are trying to express. So to help us better describe our feelings and thoughts, we coined a few phrases. When we use terms you’ve never heard before, we put together a little lexicon for you to refer to.

And in case you’re not a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we have included a few cultural phrases that are ingrained into the daily lexicon of any Mormon home and Sunday worship. These are noted with an asterisk.(*)

  • Gospelist: (n)

    Someone who loves the Gospel of Jesus Christ and takes it upon him or herself to learn as much from all sources of truth and apply it in every aspect of life. It’s more than a hobby; it’s more than a passive membership. It’s a lifelong dedication to truth and improvement based upon the life and merits of Jesus Christ. A person who regularly and consistently finds ways to apply those principles to fulfilling goals, dreams, and building an abundant life.

    e.g. “I love the scriptures and talking about Jesus and the wonders of the universe. I’m such a gospelist.”


  • FoWo: (n), (adj), (psuedo-acronym)

    A mash-up of two words that’s fun to say: For Women. When the study groups started out, we tried a number of different acronyms, and it just got shortened to “FoWo” because it was the easiest to spit out.


  • Nerdbucket: (n)

    Satan’s minions — the ones who scream, belittle, and discourage you from doing anything good. We don’t even like to give them the power of calling them a minion, so they are just jerk nerdbuckets. They’re those little voices that whisper to you that you are “less than,” not worthy, not worth it, can’t achieve, do, or be. Any thought that distracts you from your true purpose of being a divine woman is a nerdbucket.

    Also, the term can be used as the derogatory thought or idea that fights with the good, positive stuff you’re trying to accomplish.

    e.g. “Nerdbuckets are yelling at me again, telling me I’m not good enough for this assignment.”


  • Atmosphere: (n)

    The space and aura around you, coming from within you, which you have control over, regardless of what happens to you or what other people feel about you.
    We wrote a whole blog post about it, in fact.

    e.g. “My roommate came home so upset and nit picked at me about everything, but I didn’t let it disturb my atmosphere.”


  • The River: (n)

    The state at which you reside in the peace of the Holy Spirit regardless of the turbulent experiences of life. It’s a state of being, as steady, constant and deep as a giant, smoothly flowing river – like the Mississippi or the Nile.

    e.g. “I’ve dipped my toes into the river, but I would really like to know what it would feel like to be immersed into it – all day long.”


  • Spiral Upward: (v)

    Building gospel principles line upon line and precept upon precept in an upward trajectory toward God and eternity. It’s a forward and an upward movement. Learning upwards, strengthening things we already know. It’s the feeling you get when you have a testimony of something, but then there’s knowledge wrapped up in the testimony, and a testimony wrapped up in knowledge, and it spirals you upwards.

    e.g. “I no longer struggle with the same problems I’ve had for years; I’m treading on them as I spiral upward.”


  • Spiritual Intelligence, or SQ: (n)

    Similar to “IQ” (intelligence quotient) or “EQ” (emotional intelligence quotient), your Spiritual Intelligence Quotient represents how spiritually intelligent you are. Unlike IQ and EQ, there is no set test that can measure your SQ or put a number against it. The value for this is personal and measured between you and God. There are milestones that can broadly be used to measure your progress of your SQ, however, such as lessons you learn during your spiral upward. A person’s spiritual intelligence quotient is not to be confused with how well someone knows the scriptures or can quote chapter verse. (See 2 Nephi 9:28-20 on an example between being “learned” and “wise.”)

    Elder David A. Bednar, then president of BYU-I, gave a great talk about spiritual intelligence in 1997, that can be found here.


  • AAYSR: (acronym)

    Ask And Ye Shall Receive. It’s the moment you realize you were specific in your desires of the Father, and he granted unto you exactly the thing you asked for – or something better. Usually refers to personal revelation or attaining the things that will help you attain your righteous goals. It goes hand-in-hand with knowing what to ask for because you’re already in tight with the Spirit.

    Scriptural References:

    Doctrine and Covenants 4:7
    James 4:3
    D&C 9:7
    1 John 3:22
    Enos 1:15
    Mormon 9:21
    D&C 8:10
    3 Nephi 18:20
    D&C 50:29-30

    e.g. “AAYSR, baby! What do you know? All I had to do was ask for it!”


  • RAS: (acronym)

    Reticular Activating System. Technically, it’s a diffuse network of nerve pathways in the brainstem connecting the spinal cord, cerebrum, and cerebellum, and mediating the overall level of consciousness. What it does: it is our internal belief system that translate  any internal thought or monologue as “true,” or  “real” – regardless of logic. It’s also a filter that pushes out things that you don’t care about or consciously choose to focus on.

    See also umbrella.

    e.g. “I thought I was being unique when I bought a red car, but when my RAS kicked in, I saw hundreds of cars like mine. It didn’t know they were there before.”


  • Umbrella: (n)

    A mental block that shields you from receiving the full abundance of God’s blessings. See Dieter F. Uchtdorf’s conference address, “Living the Gospel Joyful.”

    e.g.In reality, Heavenly Father is constantly raining blessings upon us. It is our fear, doubt, and sin that, like an umbrella, block these blessings from reaching us.


  • Yes, and?: (phrase)

    Used by gospelists who are intent on receiving more information, knowledge, faith. Useful in opening one’s mind to learning process. It’s an answer to any call, assignment, and/or challenge to do better, be better, and build the kingdom of God on earth. See also Elder Richard G. Scott’s General Conference address, “To Acquire Spiritual Guidance.” Elder Scott illustrated the “Yes, and?” principle when, after writing down revelation, he inquired, “Was there yet more to be given?”

    e.g. “Thank you for that answer. What else would you have me know?”


  • Five-Talenter: (n)

    A gospelist who recognizes her capacity for partnering with God to accomplish more than she would be able to on her own. One who has been given a great deal to be responsible for, accomplishes everything in her stewardship, and is willing to take on and fulfill anything else the Master needs her to do. See D&C 82:3; Matthew 25:14-30; D&C 107:99; 1Nephi 3:7.

    e.g. “I used to believe I was like the person with two talents. But when I realized that I was already a five-talenter just because I was a member of the Church of Jesus Christ, I gained a confidence to accept the new calling the bishop extended to me.”


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